The Arts Society Falmouth

The Arts Society Falmouth — New Member

Joining online

Making your membership application this way, makes the process simpler for yourself and for the Society. 

We are using a method that has been employed by other Societies, which uses a company called TicketTailor. TicketTailor handles all the secure requirements for handling payments that we would all expect. Neither they nor we hold details of your credit or debit card and the processing is handled by them.

Your details

You will be asked to supply your contact details, so that we may communicate with you solely on the basis of providing you with all the benefits of membership. Our GDPR policy is shown below.

Any questions

To find out more, either email us at or, phone the membership secretary on 01209 861554.

Join now

Join The Arts Society Falmouth

Membership Form

Alternatively, If you wanted to pay by Cheque you could also download a Membership Form Membership Application Form, posting it to the address shown.

General Data Protection Regulation

  • Members’ details will be processed fairly and lawfully to satisfy the agreement entered with you on your admittance to membership. This will ensure that you receive the latest news and information about all upcoming events.
  • Members’ details will be passed to “The Arts Society” to enable inclusion on the mailing of the quarterly magazine and other communications including information about any upcoming national events or items of legitimate interest.
  • Members’ details may be passed to “The Arts Society Area”, or other affiliated societies for the purposes of disseminating relevant information of legitimate interest.
  • Your details will be kept safely and securely, and you can opt out of our communications at any time.